Smart Tips That Will Reduce Your Average Wait Time In Call Centers Instantly

What Is Call Center Average Wait Time?

Call centers are crucial for effective customer service. The digital era is fast-paced, and customers want the companies they endorse to provide them speedy service. If you have a call center that has well-trained support representatives, all your customers have to do is dial the phone number to get their grievances or problems instantly resolved. One way to increase the efficacy of your call center is to reduce the call center’s average wait time. 
Call center average wait time is the approximate time that inbound calls spend in the queue waiting for service before the customer is connected to a live agent. This metric is also known as average hold time. So, what exactly is an acceptable average hold time? Well, the global call center industry standard is 80/20 – this means that 80% of calls should be answered within 20 seconds. It may seem like a challenge to answer the majority of customer calls within 20 seconds, but it is surely not impossible.
Since more than 50% of sales calls are disconnected after a 45-second wait, it is important to let your customers know if you are going to keep them on hold beyond 20 seconds and let them know you are working to provide them with satisfactory service. Since it is frustrating for your customers to be on hold for extended periods of time, make sure to keep on discovering innovative ways to reduce the average wait time in your call centers. We have come up with some smart tips that can reduce the time that your customers spend waiting in call center software:

Optimize Call Queue Configuration:
Monitor Call Metrics
Create A Knowledge Base for Self-Service
Invest in Customer Center Tools
Staff Agents Appropriately

Reducing the average call wait time is super important for your customers. It can make or break your business reputation. So, take some time and analyze how you can deliver fast and speedy service to your clients, and keep them hooked on your organization for life!


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